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Ayuda InnovaTEIC 2020 IVACE concedida

06/08/2021. Advanced Wave Sensors S.L. (AWSensors) ha sido seleccionada como beneficiaria de una ayuda concedida por el Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) para llevar a cabo el proyecto “Diseño, desarrollo e industrialización de un instrumento QCM-D de alta resolución multicanal” en el marco del programa InnovaTEIC 2020. Este programa ha sido financiado parcialmente por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020 cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las PYMES valencianas.

La presente actuación ha servido para desarrollar un nuevo instrumento científico, denominado X4, para la caracterización de sensores acústicos basado en una técnica protegida por la patente internacional PCT/ES2010/070409 en explotación actualmente por AWSensors. La plataforma X4 es capaz de caracterizar diferentes tipos de sensores micro/nanogravimétricos: QCM-D, HFF-QCM, SAW-LOVE, Torsional Wave,… que se emplean habitualmente en la detección y/o monitorización de interacciones biomoleculares como: reacciones antígeno-anticuerpo, detección de patógenos como bacterias y virus, adhesión celular, caracterización de la absorción de proteínas e interacciones DNA y RNA con secuencias complementarias. El rango de aplicaciones del citado instrumento es muy amplio y va desde la detección de patógenos en diagnóstico o seguridad alimentaria hasta la caracterización de las propiedades de nuevos nanomateriales.

Las principales innovaciones que presenta este dispositivo son: incremento en la velocidad de caracterización, paralelización de ensayos con la posibilidad caracterizar hasta 4 sensores simultáneamente, reducción de peso y tamaño para un instrumento semi-portable, mejora de la estabilidad térmica, mejora del diseño e inclusión de herramientas de post-procesado en software.


Publication on AWSensors technology

Influences of Cations’ Solvation on Charge Storage Performance in Polyimide Anodes for Aqueous Multivalent Ion Batteries

Authors: Amey Nimkar, Fyodor Malchick, Bar Gavriel, Meital Turgeman, Gil Bergman, Tianju Fan, Shaul Bublil, Reut Cohen, Michal Weitman, Netanel Shpigel, Mikhael D Levi, and Doron Aurbach.

Journal: ACS Energy Lett. 2021.

EQCM cell

Cobalt EQCM Application Note

July 2nd 2021: AWSensors is pleased to invite you to take a look to its Cobalt EQCM Application Note entitled “Cobalt Deposition and Dissolution“.

Cobalt EQCM Application Note

Summary of the Note

Use of AWS A20 RP in combination with a compatible potentiostat to perform an electrochemical study of deposition and dissolution of metallic layers onto the gold electrode of an AWS HFF-QCM sensor.

Materials and Methods


A 100MHz AWS HFF-QCM sensor was used with AWS A20 RP platform in combination with the SP-200 floating mode Potentiostat/Galvanostat from Biologic. The signals associated with the sensor phase monitoring in the AWS A20RP and the current and potential measurement of the SP-200 were monitored. The deposition solution was 10mM K2SO4 + 0.001M KCl + 0.001M H2SO4 + 0.001M (CoSO4)·7H2O solution. A Pt counter electrode was used with a saturated KCl solution Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The working electrode was the grounded electrode of the AWS HFF-QCM sensor.

Cyclic Voltametry:

Determination of the Nernst equilibrium potential and the investigation of the overpotential deposition of Cobalt on the gold electrode of the HFFQCM. The potential was held at –0.4V ten seconds before starting the cyclic voltammetry. A potential scan with a rate of 10mV/s was applied from –0.4 to –1.5V.

Underpotential Deposition:

Controlled deposition of atomic layers of Cobalt on the AWS HFF-QCM sensor.

Download Full Application Note

You can download the full Application Note in pdf file from this link or download it from our Applications Web Page where you can find this and the rest of our Application Notes.

Other references

AWSensors obtiene ayudas para su Plan de Internacionalización

30/06/2021. Advanced Wave Sensors S.L. (AWSensors) ha sido beneficiaria de las Ayudas de Seguimiento y Ejecución de las Tutorías de Internacionalización cofinanciadas por el Institut Valencia de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las PYMES de la Comunitat Valenciana. Gracias a este respaldo, AWSensors continuará ejecutando las acciones recogidas en su Plan de Internacionalización y Marketing Digital de 2021, entre las que destacan las estudiadas durante el programa de tutorías de EXPORNET,  en la cual recibimos asesoramiento especializado en posicionamiento internacional, a través del uso de Internet como herramienta comercial de ámbito internacional.



30 junio 2021


QCMD webinar

QCM-D Webinar

May 24th 2021: AWSensors is pleased to invite you to participate in a QCM-D Scientific Webinar its Distributor Technex, in the BENELUX area, and AWSensors are orginizing. The scientific talk is entitled “Studying Soft Interfaces with Shear Waves: Principles and Applications of the Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM-D)” and  will be given by Prof. Diethelm Johannsmann.


QCMD Webinar

QCM-D Webinar details

The webinar will take place on Thursday, June 10th, 2021 from 15:00 to 16:30 hrs and it will be free of charge.

To join us, please register on this link: and we will send you the Webinar details.

Speaker’s Short Biography

Diethelm Johannsmann is Professor of Physical Chemistry and the director of the Physical Chemistry Institute at Clausthal University of Technology, Germany. He has made fundamental contributions to the subject of QCM(D), reflected in more than 150 articles, several book chapters, and books. His model is widely used in the analysis of QCM-D data, and he developed free software for QCM-D data analysis and modelling.  You can find more information about his work on his website,


QCMD Immunosensor

New QCMD Immunosensor Application Note

May 20th 2021: AWSensors is pleased to invite you to take a look to its new Immunosensor Application Note entitled “QCMD immunosensor for small molecule analytes“.

Summary of the Note

A QCMD-based immunoassay for label-free analysis of small molecule concentration in industrial samples was developed using an AWS QCMD system with surface-modified 5 MHz fundamental frequency QCMD sensors. Accuracy and precision of the immunoassay is evaluated with respect to the industry-standard HPLC reference.

QCMD Immunosensor


Accurate, rapid, and cost-effective quantification of small molecule analytes is a pressing problem in various industrial (food, agriculture, environmental protection) and health-related fields. Existing approaches include enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and various types of chromatography (e.g., High Performance Liquid Chromatography, HPLC). These approaches require trained personal and centralized laboratories, and their deployment in the field is difficult or impossible.

Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation, or QCMD, is emerging as a promising technology for the development of fast, portable, automated, and cost-effective immunosensors. Here, we demonstrate a competitive small molecule immunoassay based on the AWSensors QCMD technology.

Download Full Application Note

You can download the full Application Note in pdf file from this link or download it from our Applications Web Page where you can find this and the rest of our Application Notes.

Other references

Publication on AWSensors technology

Preventing Graphene from Restacking via Bioinspired Chemical Inserts: Toward a Superior 2D Micro-supercapacitor Electrode

Authors: Adnane Bouzina, Hubert Perrot, Ozlem Sel, Catherine Debiemme-Chouvy.

Journal: ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021.

Publication on AWSensors technology

Multifunctional Surfaces for Improving Soft Tissue Integration

Authors: Adriana Vilaça, Rui M. A. Domingues, Hanna Tiainen, Bárbara B. Mendes, Alejandro Barrantes, Rui L. Reis, Manuela E. Gomes, Manuel Gomez‐Florit.

Journal: Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021


Antibody Detection with Quartz Crystal Microbalance

May 10th 2021: AWSensors offers acoustic sensors for antibody detection. Acoustic biosensor-based immunosensing with  High-Fundamental Frequency Quartz Crystal Microbalance (HFF-QCM) and Love-SAW sensors offers several advantages over Enzyme Linked Immuno Assay (ELISA) or Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR).

Acoustic sensors antibody detection advantages over ELISA

  • Sensitivity approximately as a standard ELISA or better.
  • Acoustic sensors offer label-free detection of the antibody-antigen binding.
  • Full automation.
  • Pre-calibrated (the user does not need to run the standards. More samples can be run. Reduced cost per sample).
  • Speed.
  • Quantitative real-time /in-situ monitoring.
  • Turn-key solution (no need to specialized detection equipment, reader, or spectrophotometer).
  • Reduced complexity, relaxed requirements for trained personnel.
  • Small volumes (~ 10 of ul per sample).
  • Parallelization and multiple analyte detection through sensor arrays.
  • Sensor re-usablity, leading to reduced assay cost.

Acoustic sensors antibody detection advantages over SPR

  • Better sensitivity.
  • QCM also sees solvent.
  • Provides conformational information of the surface film.
  • Miniaturization and integration into portable systems.
  • Easier to develop parallel and multiple analyte assays through sensor arrays.
  • Affordability.

Therefore, one can develop biosensors based on acoustic immunosensors with highly attractive features in order to rapidly detect pathogens like viruses and bacteria [1], and low molecular weigh compounds.

Application Example

Our Biosensor Application Note  is an application example where we describe a sensitive detection of a low molecular weight pesticide carbaryl using competitive immunoassay with hapen-conjugates immobilized on high-fundamental frequency QCMD sensors, SAMs and monoclonal antibodies (MAb) [2, 3]. As a result, we achieved a very sensitive detection of the carbaryl analyte.




[1] Surface Generated Acoustic Wave Biosensors for the Detection of Pathogens: A Review 

[2] High-frequency phase shift measurement greatly enhances the sensitivity of QCM immunosensors

[3] Love Wave Immunosensor for the Detection of Carbaryl Pesticide  

Publication on AWSensors technology

Exploring the effect of humidity on thermoplastic starch films using the quartz crystal microbalance

Authors: Matthew D. Eaton,  Daniel Domene-López,  Qifeng Wang, Mercedes G. Montalbán,  Ignacio Martin-Gullon, Kenneth R. Shull.

Journal: Carbohydrate Polymers, 2021