AWSensors X1 Single Channel QCMD System

The first in the nanosensing race

The fastest and most sensitive QCMD instrument on the market today.

Main features:

  • Superior sensitivity compared with current market instruments
  • The fastest in data acquisition rate
  • Multiple overtones measurements (up to the 13th overtone for a 5MHz sensor)
  • Simultaneous electrochemical integrated measurements
  • Space saving and light weight design
  • Modularity, which allows flexible solution for various budget and applications
  • Versatile system enabling classical and High Fundamental Frequency QCM as well as LOVE‐SAW sensors measurements.
  • Multiple accessories for in-batch, flow and electrochemistry (EQCM) experiments and more ...


Study of:

  • Material properties
  • Biomolecular interactions
  • Protein and immunological systems
  • Lipid systems and removal of lipids
  • Deposition and dissolution of metallic layers
  • Polymer and bio-polymer systems
  • Living cell systems
  • Electrodeposition and corrosion processes
  • Detection of environmental pollutants (pesticides)
  • Toxicity evaluation and ecotoxicity (biofilm formation)
  • Quantifying the rate of the cleaning process and stain removal
  • Detection and quantification of molecular biomarkers
  • Detection of pathogens

Nucleic acid systems

Evaluate different biomolecular interactions:

  • DNA and RNA hybridization studies: detection of mismatches in hybridization, detection of very low quantities in samples.
  • Nucleic acids (e.g. aptamers) interacting with larger molecular systems (protein complexes).

Protein and Immunological systems

Label-free and real-time evaluation of:

  • protein-protein interactions: protein-protein affinity, protein aggregation, antibody-antigen (immunosensor).
  • protein interactions with membranes and other surfaces: protein adsorption on surfaces, enzymatic activity (degradation of substrate films).
  • protein conformational changes.

Lipid systems

Real-time monitoring of:

  • formation of supported lipid membranes;
  • interactions with binding proteins, DNA, peptides or polymers with lipid membranes;
  • degradation of lipid films.

Polymer systems

Real-time study of:

  • formation and characterization of complex (bio)polymeric films: quantification of film thickness, viscoelasticity, or ion/solute transport properties. For instance, it can be applied to describe the course of electropolymerization of a thin film and monitor layer-by-layer assembly of polymers;
  • characterization of nanoparticles adsoption-desorption onto precursor films: kinetics and layer thickness.

Metal systems

Real-time monitoring of electrochemical studies of deposition and dissolution of metallic layers onto the gold electrode of the sensor.

Polymer systems

Real-time study of:

  • formation and characterization of complex (bio)polymeric films: quantification of film thickness, viscoelasticity, or ion/solute transport properties. For instance, it can be applied to describe the course of electropolymerization of a thin film and monitor layer-by-layer assembly of polymers;
  • characterization of nanoparticles adsoption-desorption onto precursor films: kinetics and layer thickness.

Surfactant systems

Real-time monitoring of adsorption of surfactants on different surfaces:

  • characterization of adsorption kinetics, layer thickness and morphology of the adsorbed film (e.g. in tribology studies);
  • study the removal of lipids (stain removal).

Living cell systems

Real-time monitoring of changes in mass and structural properties:

  • cell attachment and spreading onto functionalized sensor surfaces and morphological changes (e.g. alteration cytoskeleton as target in drug screening), and cell detachment from sensor surface as an indicator of cell death.
  • study of cell interaction with the surface of medical devices and biomaterials (study of biocompatibility).


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