Tag Archive for: high-frequency rheology

Scientific publication

Investigating the effects of the local environment on bottlebrush conformations using super-resolution microscopy

Authors: Jonathan M. Chan, Avram C. Kordona and Muzhou Wang

Journal: Nanoscale 


The single-chain physics of bottlebrush polymers plays a key role in their macroscopic properties. Although efforts have been made to understand the behavior of single isolated bottlebrushes, studies on their behavior in crowded, application-relevant environments have been insufficient due to limitations in characterization techniques. Here, we use single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) to study the conformations of individual bottlebrush polymers by direct imaging. Our previous work focused on bottlebrushes in a matrix of linear polymers, where our observations suggested that their behavior was largely influenced by an entropic incompatibility between the bottlebrush side chains and the linear matrix. Instead, here we focus on systems where this effect is reduced: in solvent-swollen polymer materials and in systems entirely composed of bottlebrushes. We measure chain conformations and rigidity using persistence length (lp) as side chain molecular weight (Msc) is varied. Compared to a system of linear polymers, we observe greater flexibility of the backbone in both systems. For bottlebrushes in bottlebrush matrices, we additionally observed a scaling relationship between lp and Msc that more closely follows theoretical predictions. For the more flexible chains in both systems, we reach the edge of our resolution limit and cannot visualize the entire contour of every chain. We bypass this limitation by discussing the aspect ratios of the features within the super-resolution images.

You can access the paper here.

Publication on AWSensors technology

Effect of Noise on Determining Ultrathin-Film Parameters from QCM-D Data with the Viscoelastic Model

Authors: Diethelm Johannsmann, Arne Langhoff, Christian Leppin, Ilya Reviakine, and Anna M. C. Maan

Journal: Sensors (2023)



Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCMD) is a well-established technique for studying soft films. It can provide gravimetric as well as nongravimetric information about a film, such as its thickness and mechanical properties. The interpretation of sets of overtone-normalized frequency shifts, Δf/n, and overtone-normalized shifts in half-bandwidth, ΔΓ/n, provided by QCMD relies on a model that, in general, contains five independent parameters that are needed to describe film thickness and frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties. Here, we examine how noise inherent in experimental data affects the determination of these parameters. There are certain conditions where noise prevents the reliable determination of film thickness and the loss tangent. On the other hand, we show that there are conditions where it is possible to determine all five parameters. We relate these conditions to the mathematical properties of the model in terms of simple conceptual diagrams that can help users understand the model’s behavior. Finally, we present new open source software for QCMD data analysis written in Python, PyQTM.


You may read the full paper here.