Custom AWSensors Sensors

Custom Sensors Technology Note – Custom Coating QCM

September 14th 2021: AWSensors is pleased to invite you to take a look to its new Technology Note entitled “Custom Sensors”.

Custom AWSensors Sensors

Summary of the Note

This Technology Note describes how to use of custom-coated QCMD sensors with AWSensors instruments. AWS Suite software has a Custom Sensor feature that allows the user to add custom-coated sensors to their sensor list and configure their electrical parameters so that the software can perform the search and characterization of the resonance parameters of the sensors during automatic setup.


AWSensors instruments can characterize a wide range of sensors: classical low-frequency (5 MHz to 10 MHz) QCMD, high-frequency (HFF) QCMD, and Love- Surface Acoustic Wave (Love-SAW). Furthermore, an important aspect of the AWSensors QCMD technology is the flexibility the customer has in terms of surface coatings of the QCMD sensors. The AWS Suite software includes the default configurations for many “standard” sensors supplied by us. Moreover, it allows the user to work with custom sensors, where the coating has affected the resonance properties. Some third-party sensors, compatible with the AWSensors measurement cells, may also benefit from this feature.

Up to five custom sensors can be defined by the user by introducing measured resonance properties. This Technical Note provides a description of this feature and a step-by-step guide for its use.

Download the Full Technology Note

You can download the full Technology Note in pdf format through this link. A list of our Technology Notes can be found on our Technology Web Page.